Wednesday 9 March 2011

Another Blog Award

Hi all, i have been given a new blog award, from my lovely friend and crafting pal Amanda over at Crafty Creations by AJ. Here are the rules

1.) Create a post where you blog about the Liebster love award and choose 3-5 blogs to pass this award to.

2.) Let these bloggers know you passed this award to them.

3.) Copy and paste this award on your blog

Here's who I would like to pass my award to:

Maria - Inkymits
Mary - Mary's Card World
Carol S - Carol's Crafty Corner
Heidi - The Crafty Goat Girl

Thanks again to Amanda

missyb x

1 comment:

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Thanks so much, I havent received this little sweetie, hugs Heidi :0)